

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern
Junghofstraße 9
60315 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: + 49 69 2 99 08 0 
Fax: + 49 69 2 99 08 108

Geschäftsführer: Dr. Alexander Wolff, Dr. Oliver Socher, Dr. Christian Vocke
Commercial Register: Registered Court Frankfurt/Main, HRB 123975

Job titles and competent chambers

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern, which is registered in Germany, is subject to supervision by the Frankfurt/Main Bar Association (Rechtsanwaltskammer) (

Unless otherwise indicated, all lawyers (m/f/d) at Baker McKenzie's German offices are admitted to practice as lawyers in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the local bar associations (Rechtsanwaltskammern) competent for their respective office.

The competent bar associations are located in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt am Main and Munich. The addresses of these bar associations can be found at

To the extent professionals are tax advisers, patent attorneys and/or notaries, they are admitted to practice as tax advisers, patent attorneys and/or notaries in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of their local chamber(s) competent for their respective office.

The competent chambers of tax advisers (Steuerberaterkammern) are located in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt am Main and Munich. The addresses of these chambers can be found at

The competent chamber of patent attorneys (Patentanwaltskammer) is located in Munich. The address of the chamber can be found at

The competent chambers of notaries (Notarkammer) are located in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main. The addresses of the chambers can be found at The supervisory authorities competent for Berlin are: the Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection, Berlin; the President of the Regional Court II Berlin, the President of the District Court of Berlin, the President of the Supreme Court of Berlin and the judicial administration of the Land (Landesjustizverwaltung). The supervisory authorities competent for Frankfurt am Main are: The President of the District Court of Frankfurt am Main, the President of the Higher District Court of Frankfurt am Main and the judicial administration of the Land (Landesjustizverwaltung). The notaries were conferred the job title “Notarin“/ “Notar“ for the respective district in which they work.

Professional Law


Applicable rules of professional practice for lawyers:

  • BRAO – Federal Lawyers' Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung)
  • BORA – Rules of Professional Practice (Berufsordnung)
  • FAO – Specialist Lawyers' Act (Fachanwaltsordnung)RVG – Lawyers' Fees Act (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz)
  • For international legal relations: Code of Conduct for European Lawyers (CCBE) (Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Union)
  • For European lawyers (non-German): Law Regulating the Activity of European Lawyers in Germany (Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland (EuRAG))
  • Professional Supplements to the German Money Laundering Act (Berufsrechtliche Ergänzungen zum Geldwäschebekämpfungsgesetz)
  • Regulation Governing the Directories of Lawyers and the Special Electronic Mailbox for Lawyers (Verordnung über die Rechtsanwaltsverzeichnisse und die besonderen elektronischen Anwaltspostfächer)
  • Regulation Governing the Service Providers' Duty to Inform (Dienstleistungs-Informationspflichten-Verordnung (DL-InfoV) (Berufsrechtliche Informationspflichten nach Dienstleistungs-Informationspflichten-Verordnung (DL-InfoV))
  • Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (§ 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG))

The respective provisions can be found at under “Berufsrecht“.

Tax advisers

Applicable rules of professional practice for tax advisers:

  • StBerG – Tax Consultancy Act (Steuerberatungsgesetz)
  • DVStB – Regulation Implementing The Tax Consultancy Act (Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz)
  • BOStB – Rules of Professional Practice of the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisers (Berufsordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer)
  • StBGebV– Tax Advisers' Fees Regulation (Steuerberatergebührenverordnung)

The respective provisions can be found at under “Der Steuerberater“ – “Berufsrecht“.

Patent attorneys

Applicable rules of professional practice for patent attorneys. For the respective provisions, please follow the links:


Applicable rules of professional practice for notaries:

  • BNotO – Federal Regulation on Notaries (Bundesnotarordnung)
  • BeurkG – Notarization Act (Beurkundungsgesetz)
  • Directives of the Chambers of Notaries (Richtlinien der Notarkammern)
  • DONot – Official Regulations for Notaries (Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare)
  • GNotKG – Law Governing Court and Notary Fees (Gerichts- und Notarkostengesetz)
  • European Code of Notarial Professional Ethics (Europäische Standesrichtlinien)
  • Act on the Transfer of the Registers of Wills (Testamentsverzeichnis-Überführungsgesetz)
  • Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration (Güteordnung)
  • Charter of the European Professional Associations in Support of the Fight Against Organised Crime (Charta der Europäischen Berufsverbände zur Unterstützung der Bekämpfung der organisierten Kriminalität)
  • NotAktVV - Regulation on the maintenance of notarial files and directories

The respective provisions can be found at under “Berufsrecht“.

VAT ID number:

The VAT ID number of notary Dr. Thorsten Seidel is DE291847754.
The VAT ID number of notary Dr. Thomas Wernicke is DE328807774.
The VAT ID number of Baker McKenzie is DE 112 156 501.

Professional Liability Insurance

Baker & McKenzie International has taken out a professional liability insurance with Lloyds of London, insurance policy number B080111998P10, and with other insurers.

The insurance cover applies worldwide. There are also local insurance policies in place where this is required to comply with local regulations.

In Germany, the insurer is Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Königinstraße 28, 80802 Munich, insurance policy number GHV 90/0459/9024201/210 / GHV/0457/9029799/210.

Person responsible for any journalistic-editorial content on the German website:

Iris Meinking, Junghofstraße 9, 60315 Frankfurt am Main.

Exclusive venue for any and all disputes shall be Frankfurt am Main.