
Welcome to this podcast called Legal Myths and Realities about Family Businesses. This space was created with the purpose of conducting a series of interviews dedicated to the main problems of Venezuelan family businesses, debunking myths and discussing their main legal problems in a globalized and increasingly sophisticated world. These conversations will be led by Jesús A. Villegas-Ruiz, senior associate of the corporate and compliance practice of Baker McKenzie Caracas.

You can follow this series also on: Apple | Spotify (episodes available only in Spanish)


Episode 4: Entrepreneurship and Transformation in Family Firms

In this episode of the Family Business podcast we will be talking about entrepreneurship and intergenerational transformation in family firms with Rodolfo Mendez, General Manager of Laboratorios Calox, a Venezuelan company dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of pharmaceutical products.


Episode 3: Leadership and Management in Family Firms

In this episode of the Family Business podcast, we will be talking about management and leadership in family firms with Leonidas Orellana, Venezuelan businessman and industrialist of the Novocel Group, a group dedicated to the plastics industry.


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