Risk Reshaped Thumbnail

Rapid business transformation across the globe and shifting international policy are driving significant changes to organizations' tax exposure, financial resilience, strategy and management. These factors are shaping how companies across every sector approach the future of tax dispute resolution.

Our latest report draws on an independent survey of 1,200 tax leaders in 10 jurisdictions and across six sectors conducted in late 2021 and insights from our tax disputes and international tax teams to uncover:

  • How tax risk is reshaped looking at the current environment, trends and key drivers of disputes, including a changing business and policy landscape
  • A relentless rise in tax risk threatening organizations’ financial resilience
  • A shift in tax exposure and strategy
  • A need to build a disputes mindset to face new challenges


The report is also available in Spanish.

How We Can Help
As trusted tax counsel to leading multinational companies for more than five decades, our Global Tax Practice is one of the most highly regarded in the world.
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