Christian Vocke

Dr. Christian Vocke

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern


Dr. Christian Vocke is a partner of the Corporate/M&A Practice Group in the Firm’s Frankfurt office. He has gained deep experience in virtually all areas of corporate law. He is consistently recommended since many years in various legal directories including Legal 500, JUVE Handbook, Handelsblatt Best Lawyers in Germany, and IFLR 1000. Clients have described him as “excellent and exceptional lawyer" (JUVE Handbook) and as "demonstrating an impressive knowledge of corporate law" (Legal 500 Germany).

Practice Focus

Christian focuses his practice on cross-border public and private M&A transactions, joint ventures, shareholder disputes and complex corporate reorganizations including carve-outs. He acts for financial investors as well as family-owned companies and large corporates across industries.

Representative Legal Matters

  • Advised Centric Software, a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes, on the acquisition of Contentserv Group, a leading provider of product information management (PIM) systems.
  • Advised Flipp Operations Inc., a portfolio company of private equity fund Truelink Capital, on the acquisition of and combination with MEDIA Central Group.
  • Advised Accenture in connection with several acquisitions of technology companies in Germany as well as the taking private of SinnerSchrader AG (Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement, Delisting and Merger Squeeze-out).
  • Advised MGA Entertainment Inc. on the taking private of Zapf Creation AG (Merger Squeeze-out).
  • Advised CORESTATE Capital on the acquisition of Hannover Leasing Group from HELABA Bank.
  • Advised Amundi on cross-border merger. 
  • Advised Jeeves (FinTech) on corporate, commercial and regulatory topics.
  • Advised Deutsche Hospitality on sale of Steigenberger Hotel Group.
  • Advised listed UNIWHEELS AG on its Domination and Profit and Loss Transfer Agreement with Superior Industries International and the Delisting from the Warsaw stock exchange.
  • Advised DAX 40 Company on complex carve-out in more than 40 jurisdictions.

Professional Honors

  • Recommended for M&A and Corporate Law in JUVE Handbook
  • IFLR1000, highly regarded for M&A 
  • Handelsblatt Best Lawyers in Germany
  • Legal500 Germany, Corporate Law

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt - Member
  • VGR. Wissenschaftliche Vereinigung für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht e.V. - Member


  • Germany (2007)


  • State of Rhineland-Palatinate (Second State Examination) (2007)
  • University of Bonn (Dr. jur.) (2006)
  • University of Bonn (First State Examination) (2003)


  • English
  • German


  • Author, "Überwindung von Pattsituationen bei Gemeinschaftsunternehmen" [Overcoming deadlocks in joint ventures], in: Münchner Handbuch des Gesellschaftsrechts [Munich Handbook of Corporate Law], Volume 3, GmbH [Limited Liability Companies], 6th edition 2023.
  • Co-author, The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Corporate Governance 2013 (6th Edition), May 2013 
  • Author, "Einberufung und Durchführung von Hauptversammlungen bei fehlerhaften Satzungsbestimmungen" (Convocation and performance of a general meeting on the basis of irregular provisions in the articles of association), NZG 2010, 1249 et seqq., November 2010 
  • Author, "Zum Rechtsverlust nach § 28 WpHG bei Verstößen gegen Stimmrechtsmitteilungspflichten" (On the loss of rights pursuant to section 28 of the Securities Trading Act in case of a violation of the obligation to file voting rights notifications), Betriebs-Berater BB 2009, 1600 et seqq., July 2009