Ines Vazquez
Ines Vazquez is a partner in Estudio Echecopar. Prior to joining the Firm, she was the head of Latin America Power's Legal Department for two years, during which she gained wide experience and was exposed to transactions in multiple jurisdictions.
She has worked on privatization and concession procedures in the electric power sector for private clients, as well as in bidding processes of public services concessions in general. She also has a solid background in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, financing, and has participated in several acquisition transactions and sale of companies, assets and shares participations, including mergers, spin-offs, reorganizations and other structures, both domestic and international.
Additionally, Ines has contentious and non-contentious construction practice based on domestic and international arbitration, advising both private and state owned companies.
Practice Focus
Ines has participated in several acquisition transactions or sales of companies, assets and shares participations, including mergers, spin-offs, reorganizations and other structures (both domestic and international). She also has experience in concessions, privatizations and utilities regulation with emphasis in the electricity sector.
Representative Legal Matters
- Advised Ashmore Group in the acquisition of two thermoelectric power plants operating under the Peruvian Cold Reserve legal regulations.
- Advised Pacific Hydro in the attempt to acquire the Peruvian subsidiaries of Latin America Power Holding B.V. in due diligence which included the review of five operating and developing power plants.
- Advised Constructora Andrade Gutierrez in the development of a hydroelectric power project in the Marañon river, including the extension of the temporary concession. It is estimated that the capacity of the project will exceed 400 MW.
- Advised the Ministry of Economy and Finance in the first international investment dispute against the Republic of Peru that has been settled during the amicable settlement period before the initiation of the international investment arbitration before the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).
- Advised Empresa de Generacion Junin Tulumayo IV S.A.C. and Empresa de Generacion Tulumayo V S.A.C. (SPVs of Latin America Power Group) in the PPA Private Tender by Edelnor to secure its power supply requirements.
- Advised on the private placement of Latin America Power Holding by Brazilian investment funds for USD 310 million.
Professional Associations and Memberships
- Lima Bar Association - Member
- Peru (2003)
- The London School of Economics and Political Science (Master of Science Utilities Regulation) (2008)
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Diploma Institutions and Regulation of Public Services) (2004)
- Universidad de Lima (Law Degree) (2003)
- English
- Portuguese
- Spanish