Lucas Tyszkiewicz
Lucas Tyszkiewicz is a partner in the Sydney office's Energy, Resources and Infrastructure practice. He has experience on acting on mergers and acquisitions, privatisations and joint ventures in those industries and assists industry participants with commercial and operational matters.
Practice Focus
Lucas advises on acquisitions of existing and the development of greenfield infrastructure projects across a range of industries, notably energy (power, including renewable energy), transport and social infrastructure. He also advises on government restructuring transactions and privatisations, including advising governments on major trade sale and contracting arrangements.
Representative Legal Matters
- Acted for NSW government on the privatisation of its electricity generation assets, including the sale of Macquarie Generation, Eraring Energy, Green State Power and Delta Electricity's Mt Piper, Wallerawang, Vales Point, Colongra and Brown Mountain power stations.
- Acted for NSW government on the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme, including the sale of Home Care Services of NSW to Australian Unity.
- Acted for various clients on major trade sales and privatisations, including in respect of Brisbane RiverCity Motorway, Queensland Motorways, ANZ Terminals, Macarthur Wind Farm, Capital Wind Farm, Royalla Solar Farm, Newcastle Mater Hospital PPP, TransGrid, Ausgrid, Pacific Hydro (Australia, Chile and Brazil) and Alinta Energy.
- Acted for Palisade Investment Partners and Northleaf Capital on their acquisition of Waterloo Wind Farm from Energy Australia.
- Acted for Whitehelm Capital on its acquisition of a 49.9 percent equity interest in Worlsey Multi-Fuel Cogeneration Power Plant from GE.
- Acted for Origin Energy on it’s A$800 million acquisition of offshore exploration permits located in Browse Basin, from Karoon Gas.
- New South Wales~Australia (2012)
- University of Technology Sydney (LL.B.) (2011)
- University of New South Wales (Bachelor of International Studies) (2008)
- University of British Columbia
- English