Samuel Turtschi

Samuel Turtschi

Baker McKenzie Switzerland AG


Samuel P. Turtschi is an associate in Baker McKenzie's Zurich office and a member of the Firm's Real Estate Practice Group.

Samuel was admitted to the bar in 2024 and rejoined the firm in the same year. He previously worked at Baker McKenzie as a trainee lawyer in 2021-2022. Samuel studied law at the University of St. Gallen (BLaw), at the University of Basel (MLaw, summa cum laude), at the University of Geneva (Exchange Semester, Certificate in Transnational Law) and at the University of Westminster in London (Exchange Semester). He also gained experience as a law clerk at several courts in the Canton of Basel-Stadt, as a research assistant at the University of Bern and as a legal counsel for Switzerland's largest business association in the hospitality industry, representing about 20000 companies including 2500 hotels.

Practice Focus

Samuel advises domestic and international clients on all kinds of real estate transactions including asset deals, large-scale portfolio transactions, sale-and-lease-back transactions, acquisitions of real estate companies and hotel transactions as well as on real estate related administrative law matters (e.g., Lex Koller, Lex Weber and environmental law), tenancy matters and general corporate, commercial and contract law. He also represents clients in real estate related proceedings before state courts, arbitral tribunals and administrative bodies.

Representative Legal Matters

  • Advised an international hotel group on its acquisition of three hotels in Wengen, in the canton of Berne, Switzerland.

  • Advised Patrimonium Private Equity Fund on the acquisition of a majority stake in the gardening company Bächler + Güttinger in Kiesen, canton of Berne.

  • Advised a privately held investment company on the sale of a real estate portfolio consisting of five commercial properties with development potential in Steinhausen, Rotkreuz and Cham (canton of Zug), and a commercial property located in Emmen (canton of Lucerne).

  • Advised International Schools Partnership (ISP) on the acquisition of two new schools — the British School of Geneva and Ecole Mosaic — in the Geneva region.

  • Advised clients in several Lex Koller related cases (including high profile cases).


  • Switzerland (2024)


  • University of Basel (Master of Law, summa cum laude) (2020)
  • Columbia University (Summer Program in American Law) (2018)
  • University of Westminster (Exchange Semester) (2018)
  • University of St. Gallen (Bachelor of Law) (2018)
  • University of Geneva (Exchange Semester, Certificate in Transnational Law) (2017)


  • English
  • German

Kündigungsschutz für Arbeitnehmervertreter nach schweizerischem
und deutschem Recht, in: Roland Müller/Thomas Geiser/Kurt Pärli
(Hrsg.), Recht in privaten und öffentlichen Unternehmen, 1. Auflage,
DIKE Verlag Zürich/St. Gallen 2021

Der Rechtsstillstand nach Art. 62 SchKG,
AJP/PJA 8/2020, 1008-1021

Besprechung des Urteil des Bundesgerichts 4A_180/2020 über die Durchführung der
Hauptverhandlung per Videokonferenz gegen den Willen einer Partei,
AJP/PJA 1/2021, 116-123