Viviana Chavez
Viviana is a senior associate and has extensive experience in competition law, with experience in advising companies on matters related with the application of the antitrust law, unfair competition law, and consumer protection law. Viviana has participated in several administrative procedures before the Free Competition Commission, the Unfair Competition Commission, the Consumer Protection Commission, and the Elimination of Bureaucratic Barriers Commission and before the Competition Court of the National Institute of Competition Defense and Protection of Industrial Property (INDECOPI).
Viviana also has experience in data privacy matters, having advised several companies on their implementation to such legal framework.
Representative Legal Matters
- Advised national and transnational companies interested in entering to the country on matters related to consumer protection and unfair competition (including advertising) regulations. She reviewed commercial advertising in order to determine if its consistency with Peruvian laws.
Professional Associations and Memberships
- Academic Forum Civil Association - Former member
- Lima Bar Association - Member
- Lima~Peru (2012)
- Universidad del Pacifico (Specialization Program in Advertising and Repression of Unfair Competition) (2014)
- Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Law Degree, cum laude) (2011)
- Spanish
- English