Sparc Group AB (publ) has successfully issued SEK 1.1 billion senior secured floating rate bonds within in a bond framework of a maximum of SEK 1.5 billion. The bonds will have a tenor of three years and carry a floating rate coupon of 3m STIBOR plus 6.75 % per annum. 

Sparc Group is an entrepreneurial group that coordinates and acquires companies in the installation service industry. Since its inception in 2021, the group has acquired over 80 companies in HVAC & plumbing, electricity, infrastructure and security. Today, Sparc Group has over 1000 employees in Sweden from Malmö in the south to Kalix in the north.

Carnegie Investment Bank and Nordea Bank Abp, acted as Joint Bookrunners. Baker McKenzie acted as legal advisor to Sparc Group with a team consisting of Henric Roth, Markus Meuller, Gustaf Erlandsson, Nils Hjalmarsson and Oscar Bang.

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