Baker McKenzie's Ben Allgrove, Chief Innovation Officer, and Brian Hengesbaugh, Chair of Data and Cyber, were interviewed by The American Lawyer for a feature article on the Firm's AI program and its client capabilities.
Still in its nascent stages, there is tremendous opportunity in how all law firms – and their clients – can benefit from AI. Ben says that, "what [AI is] doing is augmenting pieces of the legal workflow." Brian elaborates, "It's not replacing lawyers…it's going to make us into super lawyers."
Having launched its AI strategy back in 2017, Baker McKenzie is a pioneer in the legal sector and has been leveraging artificial intelligence / machine learning to provide legal services for years. The Firm has a dedicated machine learning practice, BakerML, bringing together a dedicated team of lawyers, data scientists and data engineers and is a market leader in the application and impact of AI. The team continues to push toward greater technological advancements and has been developing specific technological tools internally.
The full article can be read here.
Baker McKenzie’s AI strategy forms part of the Firm’s broader innovation strategy, "Reinvent," which seeks to embed innovation into all aspects of the Firm’s operations and brings together change initiatives and technology from across the Firm to deliver quality, speed, accuracy, flexibility and efficiency gains to clients.