Digitalization is accelerating. With so much business now conducted virtually and attitudes transformed, digital technology which has been under development is now seeing its potential realized. It is reducing costs providing the opportunity to improve profitability, but requires investment that needs to be funded. We are seeing financial institutions with start-ups & market disruptors, innovation to core business processes, but also increasing regulatory risk awareness, e.g., over transparency, privacy and data security issues.

Our updated Digital Transformation Risk Radar analyzes the most pressing DT risks that FIs need to consider in 2024. In this year's edition, we examined how these risks impact business decision-making. We also examine recent and upcoming developments, and how they continue to shape the roles and responsibilities of FIs.

Here we cover:

  • Innovative Technologies
  • Workforce redesign
  • Aggregated Data
  • Regulation and Regulator Relationships
  • Transactions

Digital Transformation Risk Radar for Financial Institutions

More on Digital Transformation