Czech Republic cityscape
Aktuality | Deal Announcement

Baker McKenzie Advises Novo Nordisk on the Acquisition of a Production Plant in the Czech Republic

The Baker McKenzie Prague team was led by partner Tomáš Skoumal.
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Naše pražská kancelář poskytuje právní poradenství klientům při transakcích, z nichž některé patří k těm nejsložitějším, které v České republice, Slovenské republice a středoevropském regionu probíhají. Mezi tyto transakce patří zastupování české energetické holdingové společnosti EPH při její koupi 49% podílu ve slovenské plynárenské společnosti SPP za 66,5 miliardy Kč (2,8 miliardy USD). Dále jsme poskytovali poradenské služby českému výrobci nápojů, skupině Kofola, při její restrukturalizaci, veřejné nabídce a kotaci na Burze cenných papírů Praha a Varšavské burze cenných papírů (Warsaw Stock Exchange) v hodnotě 765 milionů Kč (31 milionů USD).



Praha City Center
Klimentská 46
110 00 Praha 1
Česká republika
Tel: +420 236 045 001 Fax: +420 236 045 055
V průběhu posledních 20 let jsme získali rozsáhlé znalosti a zkušenosti s místním trhem a přehled o požadavcích, které je třeba dodržet při uzavírání transakcí v České republice. Díky těmto znalostem a našemu globálnímu přístupu se na nás obracejí přední nadnárodní společnosti a finanční instituce.

We attend job fairs organized by the main law faculties in the Czech Republic to give students the opportunity to meet lawyers from the Firm and discover what it’s like to work at Baker McKenzie. Our objective is to give our lawyers the platform to advance their careers by providing the resources they need for personal and professional development.

View career opportunities in Prague

Watch video for an insight into our career path

Our Prague office played a central role in establishing the Attorneys to Children Endowment Fund, which provides financing for the medical treatment of children with rare diseases not covered by insurance. We continue to support the organization's activities today.

How to report through the internal reporting channel and through external channels

The whistleblower is entitled to submit a notification to the designated person via the internal notification system established by the company, i.e. verbally by calling the designated person's telephone number: +420 236 045 001, in writing via the designated person's e-mail address: or via a personal meeting. If the whistleblower prefers to make the notification by means of a face-to-face meeting, they must do so by sending their request to the e-mail address of the designated person or by communicating their request for a face-to-face meeting by telephone. Upon receipt of the whistleblower's request, the designated person will contact the whistleblower to arrange a meeting within 14 days of receipt of the request.

A whistleblower is entitled to submit a notification of a possible violation (except for a notification of a violation of obligations under the Act no. 253/2008 Coll.) through the external notification system established by the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic. In such a case, the whistleblower may make a notification using the form available here:, by e-mail:, orally by telephone: +420 221 997 840, or by requesting a personal meeting at the above e-mail address or telephone number.

A whistleblower may submit a notification of a breach of obligations under the Act no. 253/2008 Coll. in the notification system established by the Czech Bar Association.

Identification of the designated person(s), their telephone number(s) and e-mail or other delivery address(es)

Managing Partner
phone: +420 236 045 001
address: Klimentská 1216/46, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1

HR Manager
phone: +420 236 045 001
address: Klimentská 1216/46, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1

Exclusion of certain notifications

Baker & McKenzie s.r.o., advokátní kancelář hereby excludes receiving notifications from a person who does not perform work or other similar activity for the obliged entity as referred to in Article 2(3)(a), (b), (h) or (i) of the Act no. 171/2023 Coll. on protection of whistleblowers. Notifications from individuals that are acting for Baker & McKenzie s.r.o., advokátní kancelář otherwise than in a basic employment relationship are, in accordance with Section 21 (6) (b) of the Act no. 253/2008 Coll., not excluded.

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