Joanne Redmond
Jo is a senior associate in Baker McKenzie's Dispute Resolution team in London. Jo advises clients in a wide range of industries on complex commercial disputes and investigations. She also regularly provides specialist product safety and regulatory compliance advice and acts for clients in product liability disputes. One of Jo's other areas of specialism is advising clients on a wide range of regulatory, public and administrative law issues, including judicial review, consultations, freedom of information and public procurement.
Jo's practice often involves drawing on crisis management experience to help clients protect their reputations and shareholder value when dealing with urgent, time pressured issues and/or intense public scrutiny.
Jo was ranked as a Next Generation Lawyer in the Legal 500 Product liability: defendant category in 2017. Jo has participated in the UK Government's Working Group on product safety and recalls and has assisted with the development of the Government's training programme for Trading Standards Officers on the new UK Code of Practice for Product Recalls.
Representative Legal Matters
General commercial disputes and investigations
- Acting for a household name client in relation to the investigation of allegations of overcharging by a supplier providing key services for the client's business and potential litigation.
- Acting for a client in relation to a dispute concerning payment due under a loan agreement governed by English law, involving challenging issues concerning the intervention of an Eastern European regulator.
- Acted for an FCA regulated company in the foreign exchange industry to successfully oppose an application for an urgent injunction in support of a proposed arbitration.
- Acted for a leading hotel group to successfully resolve a contractual dispute involving advice on EU and US sanctions.
Product liability and product safety
- Advising a client in relation to an investigation launched by the UK authorities into a product safety issue.
- Advising on and co-ordinating multi-jurisdictional voluntary recalls, including a recall of: four toy products in over 90 jurisdictions; consumer electronic equipment from 85 jurisdictions; vehicle windscreens sold globally; and a complex safety issue relating to gas equipment installed in 13 jurisdictions.
- Acted for a leading medical device company to defend product liability litigation, including successfully defending a complex personal injury claim arising from the fracture of a hip replacement component.
- Acted for a leading supplier of safety products in relation to a dispute with a manufacturer for providing defective components and obtained a settlement of that dispute.
- Regularly advising clients in a wide range of industries on product safety and compliance issues at various stages of the product life cycle (for example, advising household names on potential liability of directors relating to unsafe products, compliance of certain toy products with regulatory requirements and the product launch of a US consumer product in the UK).
Regulatory, public and media
- Advised a leading healthcare company in relation to adverse draft guidance published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence concerning use of one of its medicinal products.
Professional Associations and Memberships
- Steering Committee for the Young Public Law Lawyers Group - Member
Corporate Responsibility
- England & Wales~United Kingdom (2010)
- Oxford Institute of Legal Practice (Post Graduate Diploma Law) (2007)
- Oxford University (Law Degree European Legal Studies) (2006)
- English
- German
Previous Offices
- Sydney