Ulf Wauschkuhn

Dr. Ulf Wauschkuhn

Baker McKenzie Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern


Dr. Ulf Wauschkuhn is a member of the Firm's Commercial, Tech & Transactions Practice. According to Chambers Europe, Legal 500 and JUVE Ulf has been one of the top attorneys in commercial contracts and in trade & distribution law in Germany for many years. Furthermore, he is co-publisher of the German Journal on Distribution Law and the legal commentary on all aspects of distribution law published by the leading German publishing house C. H. Beck.

Practice Focus

Ulf advises companies on all matters of commercial law, with particular emphasis on the setup and restructuring of distribution systems and supply, procurement and logistics agreements. He is also adept at handling commercial law disputes — both in and out of court.

Representative Legal Matters

  • Regularly advises a German leading car manufacturer on distribution, e-commerce, digitalization, e-mobility and other contract law matters.

  • Advised Allianz on distribution law matters.

  • Advised Amazon on the conclusion of logistics and transport agreements.

  • Represented CureVac in the negotiations for the supply of the Covid19-vaccine.

  • Advised Karl Storz on the form-changing conversion to a SE & Co. KG and regularly advises the client on commercial contract matters.

  • Represented Novartis in court in connection with the termination of a distribution agreement.

  • Represented Pioneer in appeal proceedings in connection with a commercial law and patent license dispute.

  • Represented Rimowa (LVMH group) in litigation proceedings in connection with the termination of a distribution agreement.

  • Represented Roche Diagnostics on distribution matters and in the conclusion of a major logistics agreement regarding the outsourcing of the logistics for one of its divisions.

  • Advised SAP in distribution matters.

  • Regularly advises VF (with the brands Timberland, The North Face, etc.) in contract and distribution law matters and in connection with the divestiture of the 7 For All Mankind brand and the spin-off of the Wrangler and Lee business.

  • Regularly represents a global leading supermarket chain in commercial law disputes and contract negotiations.

Professional Honors

  • Band 1 Commercial Contracts - Chambers Europe for 10 years
  • Leading individual in trade and distribution - Legal 500 Europe for 15 years
  • Leading Individual in Distribution Law - Juve Germany for 15 years

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • German Institution of Arbitration (DIS) – Member
  • German Society for Distribution Law e.V. – Member
  • Curator of Deutsche Sporthilfe (German Sports Aid Foundation to support German top athletes)


  • Germany (1992)


  • Oberlandesgericht Stuttgart (Assessor Exam) (1992)
  • University of Tuebingen (Dr. jur.) (1990)
  • University of Tuebingen (Referendar Exam) (1989)
  • University of Hamburg (1985)


  • English
  • German

Previous Offices

  • Frankfurt
  • Co-publisher (with Flohr), "Vertriebsrecht Kommentar - Handelsvertreterrecht, Vertragshändlerrecht, Franchiserecht, Kommissionsrecht" (Legal Commentary on all aspects of Distribution Law), C.H. Beck Verlag, 3rd edition, 2023
  • Co-publisher (with Schultze/Wauschkuhn/Spenner/Dau),"Der Vertragshändlervertrag" (The Distribution Agreement), Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH, Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft, 5th edition, 2015
  • Co-publisher, “Zeitschrift für Vertriebsrecht” (Journal on Distribution Law), C.H. Beck Verlag, now in eleventh year and author of various legal articles